People don't bus four lanes of copper ore along their bus because it only gets used in one place: smelting. If you put your green, red and blue circuit builders at the start of your bus, just next to the smelters, there really is no need for 4 whole lanes of either copper or green circuits to go any further than that. You need a load of green circuits, but again most of that goes into red and blue circuits. You certainly need lots of copper smelting, but the overwhelming majority of that copper goes to one place only: green circuits. The bus, almost always, is built to have 4 lanes each of iron plates, copper plates and green circuits all the way along, with other lanes for other ingredients in much smaller quantities. Next to the smelters is a green circuit array, feeding 4 lanes of green circuits, with a build-everything, a red and a blue circuit factory, a 1-per-second science build and a 1-per-second robot factory in the middle, with a module factory and rocket parts factory at the far end.
Those lanes run the full length of the bus. At one end of the main bus you have smelters to feed 4 lanes each of iron plates and copper plates, a couple of lanes of iron and one of stone bricks. I've noticed a fairly standard concept for a main bus for most of the youtubers I've watched. Busbars are now becoming irreplaceable simply because of the convenience and safety factor.I've watched a load of youtube playthroughs and built some half decent factories myself. What is busbar trunking?īusbar Trunking System is the is a system of distributing electric power using copper or aluminium busbar with suitable enclosures and good amount of protection to prevent the cables from getting damaged due to foreign bodies. you will receive a heavy electric shock before the CB trip and it is enough to cause death. But you touch busbar while standing the ground, there is a contact between the line to ground and there will create a L-G fault. So the effect of touching a busbar are the same as that of touching a conductor.

they instead should have separate/dedicated input streams. Best advice for buses is to do not pull inputs for green circuits, gears, and steel production blocks from the bus. Iron, copper, steel, green circuits red circuits, blue circuits, and plastic, IIRC. What do you put on the main bus Factorio Reddit?